mtb shop

MTB Shop is a bike shop created to study the fundamentals of Next.js, such as SSR and SSG, integrated with Stripe for payment simulation, and styled with CSS-in-JS using Stitches.


This is a challenge from the ReactJS track of Ignite, a course from Rocketseat. What started as a learning project has evolved into a challenge with additional features implemented.


  1. Add products to the cart
  2. Complete the purchase via the cart
  3. Checkout using Stripe


  • ReactJS
  • ViteJS
  • TypeScript
  • Stitches
  • Stripe

Running the Project

Clone the repository and install dependencies:

yarn / npm / pnpm install

Start the project:

pnpm run dev

To make a purchase, use the card number above, with a future expiration date and any CVV number.

4242 4242 4242 4242